On the Podcast:
This week we are joined by Samuel Olaniran and Dr. Stephanie Diepeveen co-authors of the paper Demystifying the COVID-19 infodemic: Conspiracies, context and the agency of users. In the podcast we discuss the online networks around conspiracy theories and the agency of internet users in sharing and making sense of information.
Our Network
Salma Khamis
Researcher & Writer
Richard Lace
Director of Programmes, BBC Media Action

Meet the Founders: Quilt.AI
Discover more about Quilt.AI and their social impact artificial intelligence below
AI for Social Good
What AI Told Us About Covid-19
Dr. Rainer Tan
Clinical Research Fellow, Unisanté & SwissTPH
Dr. Admire Mare
Associate Professor & Deputy Head, Department of Communications at Namibia University of Science & Technology
Bhavjit Singh
Activist, Founder @Tractor2twitr

Meet the Artists: DiverseNftArt